Year 4/5 SH - Emmeline Pankhurst Class
Year 4/5 Summer 2 Curriculum Information
Are you ready for some magic and mayhem this half-term? We will be reading the classic, ‘The lion, the witch and the wardrobe’ by C.S Lewis, as our magical class story. We will delve into Narnia – a magical country – where we will meet Aslan, a lion, who makes a sacrifice. We will be unpicking the rich vocabulary from this novel to use in our newspaper report, as well as our narrative. This term we will be providing exciting learning experiences to develop our courage, teamwork, compassion, and acceptance of each other.
In the enchanted classroom, we will be learning how to read a map to find treasure. We will be identifying and locating geographical features on a map using key words such as, longitude, latitude, coordinates and many more. If you have a map at home, can you find Melton Mowbray and write down the coordinates? We will be using our map reading skills to help us become fantastic orienteers and improve our teamwork skills.
We have flown through fractions – who would have thought they are not actually that scary?! We will continue with fractions and make links to decimals using problem solving and reasoning skills. In addition to this, we will be learning to tell the time – WHAT’S THE TIME MR WOLF?
In Science, we will be learning about properties and changes of materials as well as states of matter. This will link in well to our topic ‘Magic and Mayhem’ as we will be creating our own ‘potions’ whilst learning about chemical changes and the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures. Throughout our learning this half-term, we will be trying to answer our BIG QUESTION: What makes something fantastical?
We have lots more exciting experiences planned for this half-term such as a trip to Belvoir Castle and many more. Please keep a look out on Class Dojo for updates, information and magical photos of what we get up to in lessons.
Year 4/5 Summer 1 Curriculum Information
As we move into the final term of the year, we will explore crime and punishment through the ages, starting with the Anglo-Saxons, all the way to the 21st Century. We will begin studying the work of Louis Sachar, reading the book ‘Holes’ – a hilarious and powerful story about crime, punishment and redemption… and holes.. lots and lots of holes. The plot follows the journey of an innocent boy named Stanley Yelnats (palindrome) who’s bad luck lands him with the choice of jail or Camp Green Lake (a very weird place that is not green, nor does it have a lake). We will be using this novel to write a letter home from Camp Green Lake.
We will use this story to explore Crime and Punishment and the changing ways in which criminals have been treated over the years. We will learn about the development of the rule of Law in British History, how the police were formed in the eighteenth century and how their jobs have changed over the years, all of which is underpinned by our value responsibility. We will be researching criminals from the past and discuss the different kinds of criminal courts that people could face. We will be asking ourselves the big question for this half term – How has crime and punishment changed over the years?
This term we will also spend time enjoying the ballad poem ‘The Highway Man’ by Alfred Noyes. This gothic narrative tells the story of the highwayman, the red coats who wanted to capture him and his lover. We will be writing a story which is based on ‘The Highway Man’ using similar characters and settings.
Furthermore, in PSHE we will be continuing our new scheme ‘Jigsaw’ by looking at relationships linked with our values compassion and respect. We will be able to recognise how people are feeling when they miss a special person or animal and give ways that might help someone manage their feelings when missing a special person or animal.
In Science, we will be learning about forces. We will work scientifically to investigate and compare how things move on different surfaces as well as explaining that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity. We will be introduced to new and exciting terminology including air resistance, friction, and water resistance which we will explore through a scientific enquiry.
We have more exciting opportunities this term that we can’t wait to share with you.

Year 4-5 Spring 2 Curriculum Information
As we begin Spring 2, we will begin reading an exciting book ‘The Brockenspectre’ by Linda Newbery. It is a short book about a young boy called Tomas who wants to be a fearless mountain guide like his father, Niklas Rust. Following a heated argument in the family home, Niklas suddenly goes missing. When his father fails to return home, Tomas knows he must face the hazardous mountains to find him… before the Brockenspectre does! The underlying themes of perseverance, honesty and compassion leave the reader wanting Tommi to succeed and prove himself.
Children will get the exciting opportunity to produce a newspaper report and towards the end of term they will create a non-chronological report based on a creature of their choice.
In Science, children will continue to focus on living things and their habitats, recognising that environments can change which can pose dangers to living things. Furthermore, they will look at the functions of the human digestive system as well as identifying the different types of teeth and their functions.
Children will explore how the Physical Geography in the UK differs, as well as considering similarities, to a region in Europe and a region within South America and how they have changed over time. This shall help us to answer our big question for this half term - How are places different and the same? They will also use ‘The Brockenspectre’ to describe climate change in the Alps throughout the seasons and use a map to navigate, linked to position and direction in maths. To support our understanding of where the Alps is, we will use Google maps to explore the region using aerial and satellite views.
In class (fingers crossed), as part of our PSHE we will be using the book ‘The Brockenspectre’ to highlight the sheer determination, perseverance and courage needed to overcome the challenges faced as well as understanding the importance of honesty and compassion. Children will get the opportunity to demonstrate resilience by looking at what makes a good leader and how we can stay motivated and focused during times of difficulty. Children will learn what motivates them to do well and how they can always achieve their best.

Year 4/5 Spring 1 Curriculum Information
As we start the New Year, it is full speed ahead into the first part of our Spring half term. We will be turning into courageous and adventurous Explorers. We will begin to explore Michael Morpurgo’s ‘King of the Cloud forests’ – A much loved story which finds a boy called Ashley escaping from China and embarking on a journey across the Himalayas with his Uncle. After battling through difficult conditions, Ashley is met by a mysterious and terrifying encounter! We will be working as a class to create a story like Ashley’s, about our own thrilling and dangerous expedition up a mountain.
We will also explore the picture book: ‘First to the Top’ by Sir Edmund Hillary. This book explores the life of Edmund Hillary – a famous explorer from New Zealand. We follow his journey from a shy young boy to a tall and strong man completing challenging expeditions – will he be the first to the top? We will also use this story to design and create high energy foods needed by explorers to survive such treacherous mountainous conditions, and thinking about how we can prepare for changes, overcome life’s challenges, and discuss what it means to embrace and achieve your dreams.
In Science, we will learn about living things and their habitats, linking in with Physical Geography which includes climate zones, rivers, mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes. We will also consider how the Physical Geography in the UK differs, and where there are similarities between other regions and how they have changed over time. This shall help us to answer our big question for this half term - How are places different and the same?
Furthermore, in PSHE linked with the British Value, Individual Liberty, we will explore mental wellbeing and staying safe, using knowledge about the artist, Jean Jacques Rousseau who strongly influenced the French revolution and the development of Liberty.
Closer to the half term, we will further explore the values courage and perseverance when we create a Survival Kit which will guide and inform explorers on how to survive up a Mountain.
We will also become one with nature and our surrounding environment by composing and creating rainforest music. Thinking about the sounds, the animals, the climate, and other elements that create a rainforest atmosphere.
We have many more things planned this half-term such as a field hunt, which we cannot wait to share with you!

Year 4/5 Autumn 2 Curriculum Information
As we move into the second half of the Autumn term, we will be time travelling back over 150 years to the Victorian Era. We will begin exploring the work of Charles Dickens, reading the book ‘Oliver Twist’ - a heart wrenching, tear jerking novel. The plot follows the journey of an innocent young boy, Oliver Twist, living in London in the 1860s which is a very dangerous and lonely place for a small boy, and it is a constant battle for survival. We will be working as a team to build our own diary from the perspective of Oliver.
We will use this story to explore the Industrial Revolution and how life changed for so many people during this period. We will find out about the invention of machinery and how wealthy businessmen built factories to make lots of money. From here we will discuss how one machine could complete the job of hundreds of workers in a fraction of the time.
Factories sprung up in every town, creating cities all over the country. This was the birth of the Industrialisation period. We will look at how factories were powered throughout this period and discussing what the impact of electricity had on cities. We will learn more about the history of electricity through science, building on our knowledge using experiments including creating circuits and finding conductors of electricity and insulators. We will also consider how the Victorian era changed quickly for a lot of people, how cities became busier and more crowded – and how this also brought diseases such as cholera.
Throughout the term we will continue to explore how the Victorian age has changed modern Britain today by researching developments such as petrol and inventions such as the first public flushing toilet! We will be researching one of the first major breakthroughs in electricity with - through perseverance - the invention of a light bulb. We will be asking ourselves the big question for this half term – How did the Victorian era change life in Britain for us?
Furthermore, in PSHE linked with the British Value, democracy, we will explore the suffragette movement and women’s rights using the picture book ‘Suffragettes: The Battle for Equality’ by David Roberts, linked to our school value: respect. We will also consider the rights of people and individual liberty around the world today and how they have changed life for the better.
Closer to Christmas time we will again explore the works of Charles Dickens by reading abridged children’s versions of ‘A Christmas Carol’. We will explore themes related to relationships and we will be writing a letter to Scrooge.
In Art, we will look at the works of artist William Morris, best known for his flowery patterns, and celebrated artist L.S Lowry who focuses her drawings on townhouses.
We will also be getting our musical hats on to find out about rhythm and how it is used in music.
We have many more things planned this half-term, which we cannot wait to share with you!

Year 4/5 Autumn 1 Curriculum Information
At the start of the Autumn term we will be ‘taking off’ on a journey to explore our first topic all about Space. We will be reading an exciting book called ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cottrell Boyce. This hilarious roller coaster adventure takes the central character, Liam Digby – an extraordinary, TALL twelve-year-old – up into space… by accident. This cleverly written novel identifies individual differences between children, as well as adults, with a focus on individual strengths.
As we explore the book, we will be thinking about the key themes highlighted in the story including relationships, the differences between right and wrong and looking at how everybody is a unique individual. As we discuss these themes, we will explore our school value of ‘acceptance’ and we will learn about the importance of treating everybody equally and fairly.
As the book is centered around the theme of Earth and Space, in History we will learn about key events during the Race to Space including: Sputnik, Nasa, the first man in space and the first man on the moon. In Design and Technology, the children will have the opportunity to design and build a Mars Rover and in Art we will discover the work of Peter Thorpe – a space artist – who is well known for painting rockets.
We will further use this book to learn about the solar system, the universe and experiment with gravity (don’t worry, we aren’t sending anyone into space!). With inspiration from the book This Rock, That Rock, we will create an acrostic poem to help us remember the order of the planets. We will also be using a beautifully illustrated picture book called ‘On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein’ by Jennifer Berne and Vladimir Radunsky to learn more about gravity and how this links with space.
Throughout our learning in this topic, we will be trying to answer our Big Question which is: Who is Neil Armstrong and how did he contribute to the space exploration? To help us answer this question, we will be time travelling back to 1969 to watch a clip of Neil Armstrong taking his first step on the moon. As a class we will also be researching and building our knowledge on influential scientists such as Isaac Newton, Neil Armstrong, Galileo, and Aristotle. We will discuss what it might be like to be an astronaut – what questions we would ask them and whether, one day, we would like to be an astronaut. Whilst reading these books and poem we will explore our school value of ‘perseverance’ and think about always trying our best and never giving up.
We have many more exciting opportunities planned this half-term, which we cannot wait to share with you! Including, heading out to visit the National Space Centre (COVID dependent) where the children will participate in exciting activities such as experiencing what it is like to live on a rocket and live life like an astronaut.