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Friday 12th June

Happy Friday!

I hope you are all well and have enjoyed this weeks online learning. Another week has gone by and we have all been so busy! Over the weekend it would be fantastic if you could try and read a few pages from a book of your choice. Reading is so important and as we know it helps with your writing. 


 Today, The National History Museum is hosting a nature live event. The event today is on Volcanoes and should be great fun!


Have a great weekend!


Miss Banks



I would like you to get your sibling or family member to test you on your weekly spellings. Send your scores to [email protected]  I would love to see how you are getting on.


Geography 10.30-11.30am

I would like you to go onto the National History Museum London website; You can watch learn all about Volcanoes. I would like you to find out what causes a volcano to erupt? How do they form and why are they found in certain places? Have their been any recent eruptions?



I would like you to go onto and click on today's date and ks2/Maths lesson. You will find your lesson for the day and learning activities. 



Choose time. Do an activity of your own choice. Go for a walk, read a book, draw or paint a picture. 


Have a lovely weekend!
