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Thursday 7th May

Morning Ducklings!

Today is Thursday 7th May.

What is the weather like today?


Phonics time

Remember to join in with your phonic sessions.

The slots are: 10.00, 10.30 or 11.00

Let us know how you are getting on smiley

Phase 2 sound flashcards

Phase 3 sound flashcards

English time

Phonic skills to practice. 

Rabbits, Squirrels and Mice - phase 2 word buildling

Foxes, Owls and Hedgehogs - phase 3 'igh' sound

Look back at yesterday when you were learning about the beginning of the story.

Today we are learning about the middle of the story.

What happens to the magic beans?

Who lives at the top of the beanstalk?

What does the giant say?


Rabbits, Mice and Squirrels - talk about the middle of the story and write labels/words

Foxes, Owls and Hedgehogs - talk and write about the middle of the story

Maths time

Today reception are practicing ordering numbers to 10/20 and filling in missing numbers.

Y1's are learning about multiplication in arrays, recognising and counting rows and columns.

Rabbits and Mice - fill in the missing numbers

Owls, Hedgehogs and Squirrels - fill in the missing numbers

Foxes (and Owls you might want to) - complete the number sentences using arrays

After lunch

Story time!

VE Day Celebrations

Every year on the 8th May, VE Day is celebrated.

People celebrate VE Day in lots of different ways, such as having a picnic in their garden and singing songs to remember that important day in 1945.


Friday 8th May 2020 is the 75th anniversary of VE day!


Celebrate VE day and have your own picnic at home.

Here are some ideas for decorations you could make for your celebration picnic.







Have a lovely afternoon and enjoy the sunshine,

Love Miss Weston x

