Monday 18th May
Morning Ducklings!
How was your weekend?
Have been in the garden or out for a walk?
Today is Monday 18th May.
Time for more home learning!
Phonics time
Remember to join in with your phonic sessions.
The slots are: 10.00, 10.30 or 11.00
How are you getting on?
Phase 2 sound cards
Phase 3 sound flashcards
English time
Phonic skills to practice.
Phase 2 Trace the word and then write the word in your book
Phase 3 Match the words to the pictures and write the words in your book.
This week we are learning about 'Superworm!'
Today we are listening to the story and describing superworm.
Words you could use to describe Superworm - long, strong, pink, wiggly...
Can you think of any other words?
Rabbits, Squirrels and Mice - say and copy the words to describe Superworm in your book. Can you think of any more?
Foxes, Owls and Hedgehogs - describe Superworm in your books. Can you join two words with 'and' Eg. Superworm is long and strong.
Maths time
This week reception are learning about addition.
Adding two groups and counting how many altogether.
Adding by counting on.
Y1 are counting forward and back within 100.
Rabbits, Squirrels and Mice - How many altogether? Eg *** +** = 5 Write the answers in your book
Owls and Hedgehogs - Adding by counting on. Write them in your book
Foxes - Counting forwards and backwards to 100
After lunch
It's time for a story!
Things to do during the afternoon
- letter formation
- spellings
- reading time
- try something from the PE/mindful folder/outdoor time
Creative worm ideas! Make your own worm. Or look for worms outside!
Have a lovely afternoon!
Love from
Miss Weston x