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Tuesday 21st April

Morning Ducklings!

Let's begin the morning with phonics.

Phonics time

Phase 2:  Rabbits, Mice, Squirrels

We are going to recap phase 2 this term starting this week with the letters: s,a,t,p

Read the flashcards and say the sounds.

Play 'Eye Spy' and find all the things that begin with 's' Write the letter 's' in your book

Phase 3: Foxes, Owl, Hedgehogs

This week we are learning about the sounds: ar, or, long oo and short oo

Today we are learning about the 'ar' sound.


Read the flashcards and say the sounds

All about the 'ar' sound

English time

This week we are learning about 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and the life cycle of a caterpillar.

 Listen to the story again.

Look at the different pictures from the story and talk about them.

Draw the pictures in order in your book.

Which picture comes first?

Then what happens in the story?

Next what happens!

Finally what happens at the end of the story?

Label or write about the pictures.

Find words on the word mat

Maths time

Let's begin by counting?

Counting challenge!

How many groups of objects can you count around the house or garden?

You could count books, pencils, boxes, tins, stones, plants...

Happy counting!!! 

After lunch

Time to share some stories!


Things to do during the afternoon:

  • letter formation (pack and write some in book)
  • reading time (little books and lotto words)
  • try something from the PE/mindful folder

Today is the Queen's birthday. This is a power point telling you about how she celebrates her birthday!

Some creative ideas!! You could make a crown, or draw a picture of the queen or make a birthday card!

Have a lovely afternoon and see you all tomorrow

smiley xxx
