Monday 23rd March 2020
Morning Ducklings,
remember to look at the timetable to help with a routine for the day!
Phonics time
For phonics this week we are going to continue learning the sounds we introduced last week (and the week before!)
In Phase 2: (Rabbits, Mice, Squirrels)
h, b, f and ff
In Phase 3: (Foxes, Owls, Hedgehogs)
sh, ch, th and ng
Start by singing some nursery rhymes together and sing the alphabet song.
Then read some of the tricky words from the lists in your packs.
Phase 2 - I, no, go, to, the, into
Phase 3 - (the above) he, she, we, me, be, was, are, see
Now write them in your book
You can chose one of the sounds 'h' or 'sh' and think of some words beginning with the sounds, and with 'sh' it could be at the end.
Such as
hat, him, hop ship, shop, fish
Listen to the sounds and stretch them, then write them in your book
h-a-t, write hat
sh-o-p, write shop
Also read the words
You can play games on 'Phonic play' it's a free resource!
Username: march20
Password: home
Explore and choose a game. Lots of them let you practise the sounds you are learning - h/sh...
English time
Watch 'The Gingerbread Man' story on youtube
Talk about the 'Gingerbread Man' story with your grown up.
What happens at the beginning? (The little old woman and man make a gingerbread.)
Talk about the middle of the story. Who chases the gingerbread man? Name the characters.
What happens at the end? Who does the gingerbread man meet?
Rabbits, Mice and Squirrels - name the characters and write or copy labels in your books.
Foxes, Owls - say and write a sentence about the beginning, middle and end of the story.
Hedgehogs - say and write a sentence about the end of the story.
Maths time
Sing some counting rhymes together like 'One, two, three four, five...'
Count to 10, 20, or 80 together.
We have been learning about measuring and using words to describe height, (tall, short) length, (long, short)
distance, (far, near)
This week learn words to describe weight. Compare the weight of objects around the house by holding them in your hands like a balance scale. Use the words heavy and light to describe them. Can you find two objects that are about the same weight, that balance.
Try a free game on 'Top mark' go into measures, then 'Happy Camel' and help the camel to find it's toy!
After lunch
Time to share some stories!
Things to do during the afternoon:
- letter formation (pack)
- reading time (little books)
- drawing pictures
- remember to try and have a run about in the garden or a dance to a favourite song
Keep busy Ducklings!!!