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Year 3 - Marie Curie Class

Year 3 Summer 2 Curriculum Information

In Summer 2, we have an extremely packed curriculum with so many things happening. In English we will be studying `The Blue Umbrella,’ which is a computer-animated short film. This focuses on the feelings and emotions of the blue umbrella, as it embarks on a journey through the city until it finally meets up with the red umbrella. We will also be reading The Last Bear, which explores the relationship of a girl, who rescues a bear on a polar island.

In Maths the focus is on fractions and working out the unit and non-unit fraction of various amounts. We will then learn about money including adding amounts and calculating change. Following this, the children will develop their understanding of 2D and 3D shapes. Finally, we will study time and then look at statistics and the different ways in which to represent data.

In Geography the children will be studying India and China, whilst understanding that both countries are in the continent of Asia. We will look at the human and physical features of both countries, as well as learning about the Indus Valley in India and the Great Wall of China. This will help the children to answer the Big Question ‘What are the physical and human features of China and India?’

For Science, the focus is on forces and magnets and the children will be studying the magnetic poles and fields and investigating the strengths of magnets. We will compare how things move on different surfaces, observe magnets attracting and repelling and plan and complete a science investigation about magnets. The Big Question is ‘Why do we need magnets?’

In RE, the theme is the pilgrimage to the Ganges and discuss why the Ganges is a very important river to Hindus. The children will look at where the river starts and ends and share facts. The Big Question is ‘Would visiting the River Ganges feel special to a Non-Hindu?’

In PHSE, we will be focusing on health and relationships. Initially we will look at scenarios in which the children can take responsibility for keeping themselves and others safe. Then we will focus on relationships and how to solve problems if there is a conflict between people.

In Computing, the children will use a software program and build their own soundscapes. They will use Purple Mash and explore different activities.

In French, the children will be looking at pets and looking at the plural form.

In History, the children will continue to learn about the Magna Carta and this will support them, as they go on their trip to Lincoln Castle. They will find out about Richard III and what happened to the princes in the tower. We are fortunate, as the children will have a workshop delivered by The Creative Learning Services, which will explain this in detail. The Big Question is ‘How did The War of the Roses divide and unite two families?’

In PE, the children will learn the skills of dodgeball as well as practising athletics in preparation for Sports Day.

The children need to continue to practise their spellings each week and to return their homework. If you have questions about anything, then please let me know.

Year 3 Summer 1 Curriculum Information


During this half term of Summer 1, there will be lots of exciting learning.

We will be reading a range of books, including ‘Stig of the Dump’, which explores the themes of loyalty and bravery. We will read `Can you hear the trees talking?’ which looks at exploring nature in the forest. This book provides some interesting questions, such as ‘How do trees breathe?’ and ‘How do trees drink?’ and ‘Why don’t trees fall over? ‘

In English the story book is ‘The Happy Prince’ by Oscar Wilde.  This is a lovely book which is based on the theme that love and sacrifice are important values in human life and happiness comes to those who make others happy. The children will empathise with the different situations that the characters faced and the selfless actions of the prince. The children will use techniques of personification and alliteration in their writing.

For History, the focus is on ‘Law and Power.’ The children will learn about English Common Law and how legal cases were decided by Trial by Ordeal, which was by fire, water, or combat.

The children will also learn about Henry II and Thomas Beckett and discover the importance of Richard the Lionheart. We will look at the reign of King John and how he was forced to agree to the Magna Carta and which states everyone should have a fair trial. This will help the children to answer the `Big Question.’

`Throughout history, has the quest for justice and peace through law and order been straightforward?’

In Maths, the main area of focus will initially be on fractions and comparing and ordering non-unit fractions and counting in fractions on a number line.  We will move on to mass and capacity and the children will have opportunity to weigh objects and to measure the volume of liquids. The children will also practise multiplication and division questions through their use of TT Rockstars.

In PE, the children will have athletics and tennis on Wednesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor).

In PHSE, the children will continue to explore strategies for keeping themselves safe, who to go to for help and how to call emergency services. We will look at identifying situations that may appear safe or unsafe and we will discuss their understanding and attitudes about drugs.

In Music, the children will continue to have weekly ukulele lessons, which they are currently enjoying. The children will continue with their weekly French lessons and the focus is about the weather.

In Science, the children will be continuing to build on their understanding of plants. They will initially review the various parts of the plant and understand how plants grow, live, and reproduce. The children will also look at the seasonal cycles in nature and how the northern hemisphere experiences warmer days in the summer, as it tilts toward the sun. This will help the children to answer the `Big Question,’ which is:

‘What are natural cycles in nature and why are they important?

In RE, the children are studying Hinduism and they will understand the Hindu belief that there is one God with many different aspects. The Key Question is `How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?’

In Computing, the children will continue to look at developing their programming and publishing skills.

In Art, the children will be revising their understanding of the term ‘architecture’ and ‘architect’ and find out about one of the most important pieces of architecture in the Western World – The Parthenon. This learning will develop with the children recognising the importance of symmetry to the Greek architects and the children will design a relief tile, which they will make from clay. They will then study the work of the Spanish architect Gaudi and how he was inspired by nature. The children will then design and create their own mosaic.  

We will also celebrate the life of William Shakespeare and study his life and further examine his play ‘The Tempest.’

The children will also be provided with resources from The Creative Learning Services, which will assist in their learning.

The Class Dojo is updated regularly, so please refer to that to see what is happening in the class. If you want to get in touch, then please let us know.

Many thanks.

Year 3 Spring 2 Curriculum Information


During this half term of Spring 2, there will be lots of exciting learning.

We will be reading a range of books, including ‘Billy Bramble And The Great Big Cook Off.’ This is an entertaining book and highlights the importance of resilience and coming back from adversity.

In English the story book is ‘The Secret of Black Rock.’ The children will write in detail about the events that take place aiming to use descriptive sentences and extend their writing using literary techniques, such as alliteration and personification.

As part of World Poetry Day, the children will look at the poem called ‘The Shadow’ by Robert Louis Stevenson and discuss the symbolism behind this poem and look at the poetic devices that are used.  The children will aim to recite the poem, as part of a performance. We shall find out about Stevenson’s life and read further poems by him in our Vipers lessons. In addition, the children will also listen to poems read from ‘I am the seed that grew the tree.’

In History, we will study the Vikings and their settlements.  We will explore the many Gods that the Vikings worshipped and investigate the reign of King Alfred.  There is a story about him dreaming he defeated the Vikings, only for him to burn some cakes. Finally, we will explore the reigns of King Canute and Edward the Confessor to the Norman invasion. The children will study these events, which will lead the children to answer the ‘Big Question.’

‘How could the uniting and shared tolerance of the Anglo-Saxons, have created a more successful and positive community?’

In Geography, the children will develop their understanding of the South West of England. They will look at locating various areas on a map and explore famous landmarks. The children will investigate the importance of tourism, the effects of coastal erosion and answer the ‘Big Question.’

`How has our south coast changed over time?’

In Maths, the main area of focus will initially be on division looking at sharing amounts and using a number line. Then we will move on to length and perimeter and understand what these terms mean. Finally, the children will explore fractions. The children will also have the opportunity to practise multiplication and division questions through their use of TT Rockstars.

In PE, the children will have Fitness (indoor) and Tag Rugby (outside), and they will develop their skills in these areas.

In PHSE, the children will study ‘Healthy Me’ and the children will look at the importance of exercise and having a balanced diet.

In Music, the children will be having weekly ukulele lessons, which will be a fantastic experience for them.

In Science, the children will be looking at plants and how they reproduce. Initially we will look at how flowering plants have roots, leaves and flowers. We will then look at how some plants need different amounts of water to stay alive study factors, such as water transportation and pollination. This topic will be enhanced with our visit to the Botanic Garden in Leicester, in which they will investigate the conditions that particular plants need to grow and they will experience using outdoor materials to make a natural sculpture of a tree.

In RE, the children will be studying ‘why Christians call the day Jesus died as Good Friday?’  We will look at the word salvation and how Christians believe that Jesus rescued them by dying on the cross.

The children will continue with their weekly French lessons and they will be practising asking and answering questions.

In computing, the children will be looking at developing their programming skills.

In DT, the focus is on textiles and the children will be learning skills such as using a cross-stitch to join two pieces of fabric together. They will then make a cushion that includes cross-stitch and applique.

The children will also be provided with resources from The Creative Learning Services, which will assist in their learning.

The Class Dojo is updated regularly, so please refer to that to see what is happening in the class. If you want to get in touch, then please let us know.

Many thanks.

Year 3 Spring 1 Curriculum Information

During this half term of Spring 1 there will be lots of exciting learning. We will be reading a range of books to incorporate into our topic.

We will be understanding the book ‘The Tempest’ and by studying the events that occur in the story, look closely at the vocabulary used, which will be incorporated in our VIPERS lessons. We will also read `Max the Champion’ by Sean Stockton.


In English our focus is on ‘Flood’, which is a lovely picture book by Alavaro Villa about a family who are preparing for the ominous progression of a storm. The book focuses on the transition from calm to storm and the effects that the storm and the resultant flood has on the family.  The story is shown pictorially, as a narrative and this helps the children empathise with the events and what the characters are feeling and thinking. The children will use their understanding of this to write their own version of the story.

In History we will be studying the Anglo-Saxons and looking how they settled in Britain. We will explore their settlements and how they lived by examining their culture and religion.

We will then look at the how the Vikings invaded and how they created Viking settlements. The tensions and battles between the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings will be explored through the king Alfred the Great. We will also be reading the `Dragon’s Hoard’, which are stories from the Vikings.                             

The children will look at the events that took place and this will lead the children to do the Big Question, which will be:

“How could the uniting and shared tolerance of the Anglo-Saxons, have created a more successful and positive community?”

In Maths we will continue to consolidate the children’s understanding of addition, subtraction and place value but the focus will be on multiplication and division.

The children will build on their initial understanding of recording practically and pictorially, but also develop their methods of being able to record this using the written method. They will become familiar with arrays and how to group amounts accordingly. The children will also have the opportunity to practise this through their use of TT Rockstars.

In PE, the children will have dance and netball and they will develop their skills in these areas.

In PHSE, the children will study Dreams and Goals and recognise the difficulties that people may face in achieving success and recognise the importance of trying to overcome obstacles. The children will also learn about refugees and how we can stop racism.

In Music the children will be exploring the Reggae style and they will look specifically at Bob’s Marley’s music. As well as practising singing one of his songs, the children will continue to develop playing the glockenspiels and learn to read music.

In Science the children will be looking at Light and using their enquiry skills to investigate different surfaces and examine opacity, transparency and translucency. They will also use mirrors and look at patterns in changing shadows. The Big Question is ``Why do we need light?’’

In RE the children will be studying why the Bible is important for Christians today. The children will study different stories and look at its influence in helping people and how it inspires art and dance.

The children enjoy their weekly French lessons and the focus is on months of the year and birthdays.

In computing the children will be looking at programming and how they can compose musical sequences.

During this term, among the plentiful things happening, the children have an assembly in which they will learn about the UK parliament and the importance of democracy, the role of MPs, the House of Lords and law making.


I am looking forward to this half-term and I hope you are too!

The year 3 team!

Year 3 Autumn 2 Curriculum Information


In Autumn 2, we will be exploring many exciting new things while always trying to include our school values in everything we do.  This term we will be working on resilience, enthusiasm, confidence and more.

The class will be reading several new books including ‘Secrets of a Sun King’, ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’, ‘The New Jumper’ and ‘Peter Pan’.  We will be using these books to encourage the children with their writing.

The children will also experience writing a diary entry and learn how to write a non-chronological report about skeletons and muscles.

In Geography, our learning will be about settlements. Our Big Questions will be: `Where do we live and what are the areas like?’  We will look at the differences between cities, villages and hamlets and compare rural and urban settlements.

In Science, our Big Question is: ‘What makes us human?’ We will be learning about the different systems of the human body. The children will be examining the skeletal system, nervous system and seeing how the digestive system works.

In History, we are finding out about Ancient Egypt and our Big Question is: ‘How did a belief in gods and goddesses effect how Egyptians led their lives?’

The children will also have an opportunity to go on a trip to Leicester Museum. This will give pupils an in depth understanding of life in ancient Egypt. They will handle artefacts and there will be hands on activities.


In Maths, we will be reinforcing the children’s understanding of addition and subtraction and developing their skills of multipliying and dividing. Please use TT Rockstars to encourage your child with their timestables.

In Art and Design Technology, the children will recognise how a castle is made up of multiple 3D shapes and they will use their skills to build a complex structure.

In RE, we are thinking about the following question:  `How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jews?’ The children will identify some Jewish beliefs about God, sin and forgiveness and describe what they mean.  

In PHSE, our focus is looking at ‘Celebrating differences’ and how important it is to care for each other. We shall also look at the effects of bullying and how to solve it.

The children will be continuing to learn French with a specialist teacher and they will also have weekly computer lessons on Purple Mash. The focus is on branching and using databases.

In PE, the children will be going swimming on a Wednesday morning. On Friday mornings we are very fortunate to have a cricket coach from Leicestershire County Cricket Club, who will be teaching the children.

In Music, the children will have the opportunity to play the glockenspiel. They will learn to play various notes and be introduced to the language of music, theory, and composition.

We are very fortunate to have workshops provided by the Creative Learning Services. A historian will come into school to talk about the River Nile and Egypt.

There will also be an interactive Assembly on Remembrance Day and a Christmas Assembly titled ‘Deck the Halls,’ which will explain what Christmas was like in Leicestershire in 1891.

We have so much more planned for this half term, which we look forward to sharing with you all on Class Dojo. Please keep looking on our Class Dojo page for regular updates and information.

Year 3 Autumn 1 Curriculum Information


In Autumn 1, we will be exploring many exciting new things.  We will be reading several new books including ‘The Wild Robot,’ ‘The Street Beneath my Feet’ and ‘Stone Age Boy.’ We are always trying to include our school values in everything we do.  This term we will be working in the classroom on self-belief, honesty, confidence, teamwork and more …  We will also be going on a trip to a working farm, which will be very exciting for the children.

In the classroom we will be using these books to encourage the children with their story writing. The children will also be designing and writing a holiday brochure.  We will also be talking about where we live in Geography this term. We will look at compasses and how to read maps and our Big Question is: ‘How can we find our location?’  In Science our Big Questions is: ‘How are rocks formed?’ We will be learning about different scientists and particularly what geologists do. In History we are finding out about The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Our Big Question in History is: ‘How have British settlements developed to improve civilisation in the modern world?’ Maybe you could visit the public library together to borrow a book on one of these topics?

In Maths we will continue learning about place value, we will also be reinforcing our knowledge of addition and subtraction this term. Please use TT Rockstars to encourage your child with their timestables. 

In Art and Design Technology, the children will have opportunities to practise their skills about different artists on themed days. Our class is called ‘The Marie Curie’ class and we have researched and found information out about her. She was such a significant person in history, ask your child about her. In RE this term we are learning about ‘What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?’ In PHSE our focus is looking at ‘Being me in my world’ and considering self identity and worth.

The children will also start learning French with a specialist teacher and they will also have weekly computer lessons on Purple Mash.

In PE the children will be going swimming on a Wednesday morning. On Thursday they will be practising Fundamentals, which will develop the skills of balancing, running, jumping, hopping and skipping.


We have so much more planned for this half term, which we look forward to sharing with you all on Class Dojo. Please keep looking on our Class Dojo page for regular updates and information.
