Tuesday 23rd June
Hello Year 4,
I hope you enjoyed your online learning yesterday and are keeping well? Thank you to those children who are continuing to go onto TT Rockstars and also sending work in. You are super stars!
I hope you have been making the most of the sunshine and enjoying the garden. Please see below your online learning for today.
Miss Banks
Please ask a family member or sibling to test you on your spellings from last week. It doesn't matter if you get one or two wrong, this is how we learn. Just try your best!
Today, I would like you to select ten words from your handwriting list that you were given in your home learning packs. I would then like you to write these words out and practice your handwriting. Once you have done this, see if you can put the word into a sentence.
Please go onto www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize and select your key stage and online lesson.
Tuesday is music day in school normally. I would like you to reflect back on your time during lockdown and think about what music you listened to. Did you hear the song re- released from Dame Vera Lynn? Or perhaps you heard 'You'll never walk alone'. I would like you to draw a spider diagram with the song written in the middle. What does this song mean to you? Why are the words important? What do they mean? Send your work to [email protected]