Thursday 23rd April
Hello Year 4 - Happy St. George`s Day!
How are you all? A huge well done to RA for the most fantastic Art work! Thank you so much for sharing your super pictures. I loved your electricity do`s and dont`s! Please keep on sending in your fantastic work, it`s great to see. Well done to those children who have been on TT Rockstars again. I keep checking daily and it`s great to see you have been on.
I hope you have been enjoying the lovely sunshine. Has anyone done any rock painting for the NHS? If you are struggling to find any rocks you could always decorate a twig and colour rainbow colours onto it.
Don`t forget tonight and every Thursday at 8pm its clap for our NHS and key workers. We have been taking saucepans and spoons out to bang!! My children love showing their appreciation.
Here is your online learning for today;
Start the day with a Joe Wickes workout. Click the link on the class page and join in the fun!
Reading challenge I would like you to read 5 pages of your reading book. Once you have done that I would like you to write a brief book description. Tell me what has happened in the story. Who is your favourite character and why? What score out of ten would you give the book? *Challenge* Write a character study. Describe the character, what do they look like? What is their personality like?
I can create my own story.
I would like you to have a go at the three pages I have uploaded from the Pie Corbett work. The three pages are there for you to work your way through. If you are struggling please just follow the guidelines and plan your very own story. The techniques will help you.
I can answer reading comprehension questions on St.George`s Day
As today is St. George`s Day I thought it would be nice if you had a look at the Power point. It tells you all about St. George`s Day and why we celebrate it. Once you have watched the Power point I would like you to answer the reading comprehension questions. I have a 1* sheet or 2* please feel free to choose whichever you think you can do. If you are struggling, no problem; mash them up!! Choose a few questions from each! The questions are under the word document English 23.4.20
Please go onto the attached link above I would then like you to click on today's date 23.4.20 and follow the link to the Maths lesson. You can choose which questions you would like to answer. *Challenge*- Write 5 Math`s questions to ask your parent/carer or sibling!
Have a super day!