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Monday 29th June

Hello Year 4,

Monday again! Another week of online learning. How was your weekend? Hasn't the weather been amazing? It's been so nice enjoying the sunshine. I would love to see your pictures of you out and about enjoying the sunshine. Please send them to [email protected]

Well done to those children who keep going onto TT Rockstars. Please keep going on and sound checking.


Here is your online learning for today


Miss Banks



Start the day with a Joe Wickes workout and kick start the day. If you prefer, go for a walk or create your own daily exercise. 


Reading challenge

Please read 5 pages of your reading book. Maybe you could read to a sibling or family member? You could even read your book to a parent whilst they're cooking your lunch or dinner!



I would like you to test yourself on your weekly spellings. As a reminder they are; tremendous, enormous,jealous,serious, hideous  



Please choose 10 words from your handwriting list. I would then like you to practice these words in your best hand writing. Once you have done this you can choose which words to write in a sentence.



Please see the attached sheet on rounding. This is a re-cap of what we have done in school. Have a go and see what you can remember.



