Thursday 2nd April
Hello Year 4!!
I hope you are all well. Thank you for sending in pictures of your amazing work. I love seeing what you have been up to. Please keep them coming. Did you try the Skittles experiment? If so, let me know how you got on and don't forget to send your pictures to; [email protected].
Please find your work for today below.
Stay safe,
Miss Banks
Kick start the day with a Joe Wickes workout. See the attached link on the class page.
Chose 5 spellings from your Year 4 list. Write out the definition, word in a sentence and then drawer a picture to help you learn the spelling. Then have a go at finding the synonym for each. Challenge; find the antonym.
Use the sheet that was in your home learning packs and write out the words from no. 15-20. Remember you must do at least two lines of each word. Once you have practiced your handwriting, have a go at writing words with the rule in. Eg. if the word was ing I could put it into a sentence- I was writing neatly at school.
I would like you to have a go at writing a diary entry. See the attached sheet from our class book 'The Explorer' and complete the diary entry. Remember to be descriptive in your writing by describing your feelings.
See attached sheet on fractions. This will be our last session on fractions so please make sure you challenge yourself by having a go at the trickier questions.
Have a good day,
Miss Banks