Monday 20th April
Hello Year 5!
I hope you are all well and had a lovely Easter. I have eaten lots and lots of chocolate- especially my favourite chocolate bar Bounty! -Yum!!
I understand this is a difficult time for us all. Do not worry, you are okay, we are okay, we will get through this!
If you have any messages or would like to share anything please email [email protected] and I will get in touch with you.
I would love to see what you have been getting up to over the Easter holidays, send in your messages or work or pictures to [email protected]
Here are your learning tasks for the day, I hope you enjoy your first day back.
Miss Pakwasi :)
Morning Challenge- Day 1
English- Read the text and answer the questions
Maths- Have a go at this worksheet- All about decimals. Over the next few days we will be learning about decimals as we have covered fractions now.
Science- Go through the Powerpoint and use it to help you answer questions about 'changes in old age'.
Outdoor- Get some fresh air today, the weather is really brightening up now. Do some exercises in the garden or even your home learning tasks.