Thursday 11th June
Good Morning Year 4,
I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Have you been out exploring lately? What have you come across? Please keep sending your work and pictures to [email protected] I love seeing what you have been up to and what you have been creating.
Please see your online learning for today
Miss Banks
Complete a Joe Wickes workout or create your own daily exercise. You could even create your own routine.
Please continue to work your way through the reading comprehension that you started yesterday. Carry on where you left off.
Please see the attached worksheet on Money. I would like you to have a go at the worksheet. You can even ask your parent if you can borrow their coins to help you calculate the answer!
For your Geography lesson I would like you to go onto the National Geographic Channel I would then like you to select a video to watch a begin to produce a fact file on your selected animal. I would like you to find our about the animal you have chosen. What is its habitat like? size, diet, appearance.
Have a good day!