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Friday 22nd May

Morning Ducklings!

Today is Friday 22nd May

It was another beautiful day yesterday!


Phonics time

Remember to join in with your phonic sessions.

The slots are: 10.00, 10.30 or 11.00

Phase 2 sound flashcards

Phase 3 sound flashcards

English time

Phonic skills to practice. 

Today I want you to think about what you would like to be when you grow up.


When I grow up....

In your books draw a picture and write about what you would like to be when you grow up.

Maths time

Reception and Y1 are going to learn about finding one less than.

Rabbits, Mice and Squirrels - Count the bottles, cross one out, how many are left

Hedgehogs - jump back one on the number line to find one less

Foxes and Owls - jump back and find one less

After lunch

It's time for a story!

Have you got a favourite story to share?

One of my favourite stories is The Gruffalo!

Things to do during the afternoon

  • letter formation
  • spellings 
  • reading time 
  • try something from the PE/mindful folder/outdoor time     

Share and talk about some of your favourite things! Favourite colour, food, toys...

Have a lovely half term!

Keep safe and look after each other,

Love Miss Weston x

