Friday 22nd May
Good morning year 2/3
Yesterday was another lovely, sunny day and I hope you all had a lovely day and managed to enjoy the sun! Did you all clap for the NHS and key workers last night?
I really enjoyed seeing some amazing work today from AM, I can see how proud you are of it! It was also great to see PH, MH and AP on TTRockstars yesterday. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
I would like you all to start the day off with a Joe Wickes workout to get your bodies and brains working, or you can do some outdoor exercise and enjoy the weather.
Year 2 - I have attached a spelling and grammar sheet for you to try. If you are feeling like more of a challenge then have a go at the 3 star sheets.
Year 3 - I have attached a spelling and grammar sheet for you to try. If you are feeling like more of a challenge then have a go at the 3 star sheets.
Year 2 - I have attached a Powerpoint for you to have a look at and some questions to have a go at about 10 more and 10 less. As a challenge, do you think you can complete the challenge sheet and solve the problems?
Year 3 - I have attached a Powerpoint for you to have a look at and some questions to have a go at about subtracting tens from a three digit number. As a challenge, do you think you can complete the challenge sheet and solve the problems?
Also everyone try to get on TT rockstars as well so you can practice your times tables!
Some of you might know that this weekend is Eid- the muslim celebration after fasting for 30 days. Since it is Eid, I would like you to have a go at either designing an Eid card or making Eid biscuits as part of our RE this week.
I hope you all have a super day and a fantastic weekend.
Mr G :)