Year 3 - Marie Curie Class
Year 3 Summer2 Curriculum Information
In Summer 2, we have lots of activities for the children to enjoy in a very tightly packed term. In English we will be studying `The Blue Umbrella,’ which is a computer-animated short film. This focuses on the feelings and emotions of the blue umbrella, as it embarks on a journey through the city until it finally meets up with the red umbrella.
In Maths we shall be working on mass and capacity. Then we will develop our understanding of 2D and 3D shapes and identifying right angles. Finally, we will study time, considering 5 minute intervals and comparing durations. If the children could also continue to use Timestable Rockstars daily at home, as this will really help their learning at school.
In Geography we will be continuing to learn about the South West of England. The lessons will focus on agriculture and climate and how interlinked this is. Finally, we will look at how the South West has changed over time from the Jurassic period, which will culminate in Our Big Question `How has our south coast changed over time?’
For History, we will continue to focus on Law and Power. Our Big Question is ‘Who were the Kings of England from 1154-1272?’ We will look at the rule of King John and discuss what he was like as a King. We will look at the disagreements that he had with the barons and the establishment of the Magna Carta.
In PE the early focus is on continuing to develop our tennis skills. We will also learn the rules and play rounders. The children will also have the opportunity to play cricket at the Belvior Cricket Ground.
In PHSE we will be focusing on health and relationships. Initially we will look at scenarios in which the children can take responsibility for keeping themselves and others safe. Then we will focus on relationships and how to solve problems if there is a conflict between people.
For Science, the focus is forces and magnets and the children will be studying the magnetic poles and fields and investigating the strengths of magnets. We will compare how things will move on different surfaces, observe magnets attracting and repelling and also plan and complete a science investigation about magnets.
In RE the children will be continuing to look at why people pray and to look at the differences and similarities in different religious faiths.
This is a busy half term and we look forward to sharing with you the different activities on class Dojo. Please keep looking on our class Dojo page for regular updates and information, please always ask questions. On a Tuesday and a Thursday, we add discussion questions for you to talk to your child about. The questions link to your child’s learning in the classroom.
Please remember that P.E is on a Wednesday and Thursday (please can your child come to school in their P.E kit on those days). Spelling books and Arithmetic books need to be handed in on Mondays each week – Thank you)
Mrs Mistry and Mr Hartstone
Year 3 Summer1 Curriculum Information
In Summer 1, we have lots of interesting activities for you. We will be reading several new books including ‘The Happy Prince’, which is based on the theme that love and sacrifice are important values in human life and happiness comes to those who make others happy. Then this will be followed by the computer animated short film ‘The Blue Umbrella’, which follows a similar theme in showing empathy to others. As well as this we will reading ‘Stig of the Dump’ which will form our main class novel. We are always trying to include our school values in everything we do. This term we will be working in the classroom on perseverance, self-belief, teamwork and more …
In Geography we will be learning about the South West of England and we will be looking at the counties, landmarks and the agriculture and climate in this area. Our Big Question is `How has our south coast changed over time?’
For History, the focus is on Law and Power. Our Big Question is ‘Who were the Kings of England from 1154-1272?’ We will learn about Henry II and Thomas Beckett and discover the importance of Richard the Lionheart.
In RE we will be looking at why do people pray and looking at how this compares with different religious faiths.
The children will be continuing with French and ukulele lessons. PE will continue on Wednesdays and Thursdays where the focus is on athletics and tennis.
In PSHE we will be looking at being healthy and the importance of eating healthily and taking exercise. We will also look at ways in which we can keep safe through the choices that we make.
For Science, to complement our trip to the Botanical Garden, we will be looking at the natural cycles in nature and explaining why they are important.
In Maths we shall be continuing with work on fractions and then we will be moving on to measure, geometry and time. As part of our maths lessons the children will be answering questions on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. As well as this, if the children could continue to use Timestable Rockstars daily, as this will really help their learning at school.
This is a relatively short, but busy half term and we look forward to sharing with you the different activities on class Dojo. Please keep looking on our class Dojo page for regular updates and information, please always ask questions. On a Tuesday and a Thursday, we add discussion questions for you to talk to your child about. The questions link to your child’s learning in the classroom.
Please remember that P.E is on a Wednesday and Thursday (please can your child come to school in their P.E kit on those days). Spelling books and Arithmetic books need to be handed in on Mondays each week – Thank you)
Mrs Mistry and Mr Hartstone
Year 3 Spring 2 Curriculum Information
In Spring 2, we will be exploring lots of thrilling new things. We will be reading several new books the first being about diversity. It is called Billy Bramble and the Great Big Cook Off by Sally Donovan. We will also delve into an inspiring science themed book called A First Book of Nature by Nicola Davies and Mark Hearld and they’ll also be many more! We are so excited to share these stories with the class! We are always trying to include our school values in everything we do. This term we will be working in the classroom on communication, determination, optimism, teamwork and more … We also have some amazing artefacts coming into school for the children to see linked to our wonderful topicS. Last term we started our ukulele lessons and we will be continuing these, I know how much the children have been loving learning this instrument. 😊
In the classroom we will be using many books to encourage the children with their writing. We will be writing a narrative this term which includes an adventure and we will also be writing instructions linked to a book called My Strong Mind. We will also be continuing to learn about rivers in Geography. Our Big Question in Geography is: How are rivers formed, and where can they take you? We will be looking at rivers in Africa, Asia and Australia. In History this term the children have been really enjoying learning about invaders which will continue, more specifically learning about Viking settlements, Viking Religion and Culture and Edward the Confessor. In Science our Big Question is: How do plants reproduce? We will be learning about plants, botany and flowering plants, requirements for life and growth, water transportation, pollination and seed dispersal and so much more. Maybe you could visit the public library together to borrow a book on one of these topics?
We love learning our multiplications and one of our aims is to continue learning about the written method for multiplication and also moving onto division and fractions. Please use Timestable Rockstars daily to encourage your child with their timestables and division facts, this will really help in their learning at school. They are set so the children can work on their individual timestable target.
In R.E this term we are asking ourselves ‘Why is the Bible important for Christians today?’ and learning about Easter. We will also be talking about being healthy in PSHE, exercise, food labelling and keepigng safe. We are excited to tell you that in PE this term, we will have some visitors in school to teach us how to play cricket. We will also continue our Wednesday afternoon slot for PE, and this term we will be learning about fitness.
We have so much more planned for this half term which we look forward to sharing with you all on Class Dojo. On a Tuesday and a Thursday, we add discussion questions for you to talk to your child about. The questions link to your child’s learning in the classroom.
Year 3 Spring 1 Curriculum Information
In Spring 1, we will be exploring many exciting new things. We will be reading several new books the first being The Tempest (Shakespeare)!!! The Dragon’s Hoard – Viking story, Max the Champion, and many more. As you can imagine from these titles these books are all going to be thoroughly thrilling! We are always trying to include our school values in everything we do. This term we will be working in the classroom on self-belief, courage, perseverance, teamwork and more … We also have some amazing artefacts coming into school for the children to see. We will also be continuing to learn French, we are really enjoying this😊
In the classroom we will be using these books to encourage the children with their writing we will be writing a story which includes a tragedy also our poetry is all about rivers which links with our Geography. We will also be talking about rivers in Geography. Our Big Question in Geography is: How are rivers form, and where can they take you? History this term is all about invaders and our Big Question is: Who were the Anglo Saxons, Scots and Vikings? In science our Big Questions is: Why do we need light? We will be learning about light, transparent surfaces, reflection and much more. Maybe you could visit the public library together to borrow a book on one of these topics?
We love numbers and one of our aims is to continue learning about place value, we will also be reinforcing our knowledge of multiplication and division this term. Can you ask your child simple questions about any of these titles ? Please use ttrockstars to encourage your child with their timestables and division facts. They are set so the children can work on their 3s, 4s, and 10s timestable.
In Art and Design Technology we aim to investigate the artist Sutton Hoo Treasures and Bayeux Tapestry. We also have some amazing famous art in school now on display!!! In R.E this term we are learning about ‘Why is the Bible important for Christians today?’. We will also be talking about our dreams and goals, and also how we show care for one another in PSHCE. In music this term we are starting our Ukulele lessons with a music teacher, we are really looking forward to this!!!!
We have so much more planned for this half term which we look forward to sharing with you all on class Dojo. Please keep looking on our class Dojo page for regular updates and information, please always ask questions. On a Tuesday and a Thursday, we add discussion questions for you to talk to your child about. The questions link to your child’s learning in the classroom.
P.E is now on a Wednesday and Thursday ( please can your child come to school in their P.E kit on those days). Spelling books and Arithmetic books need to be handed in on Mondays each week – Thank you).
Year 3 Autumn 2 Curriculum Information
In Autumn 2, we will be exploring many exciting new things. We will be reading several new books including ‘Peter Pan’, ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’, ‘The new jumper’, ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ and many more. As you can imagine from these titles these books are all going to be thoroughly thrilling! We are always trying to include our school values in everything we do. This term we will be working in the classroom on resilience, enthusiasm, confidence, teamwork and more … We also have a theatre company coming into school, they are performing Jack and the Beanstalk!!! We will also be continuing to learn French, we are really enjoying this😊
In the classroom we will be using these books to encourage the children with their writing we will be writing a diary entry and a non-chronological report about Skeletons and Muscles. We will also be talking about settlements in Geography. Our Big Question in Geography is: Where do we live, what are the areas like? History this term is all about Egypt and our Big Question is: Where is Egypt, and who is Tutankhamun? We also have a historian coming into school to talk about the River Nile and Egypt (they will bring in books and artefacts to share!)In science our Big Questions is: What makes us human? We will be learning about the different systems of the human body. Maybe you could visit the public library together to borrow a book on one of these topics?
We love numbers and one of our aims is to continue learning about place value, we will also be reinforcing our knowledge of subtraction and money this term. Can you ask your child simple questions about any of these titles ? Please use ttrockstars to encourage your child with their timestables. They are set so the children can work on their 3s, 4s, and 10s timestable.
In Art and Design Technology we aim to investigate the artist Warhol and Morandi. We also have some amazing famous art in school now on display!!! In R.E this term we are learning about ‘What festivals look like’. Very soon we are having an afternoon celebrating and learning all about Diwali. We will also be celebrating differences, and also care we show each other in PSHCE. In music this term we are starting to play and use the Glockenspiels.
We have so much more planned for this half term which we look forward to sharing with you all on class Dojo. Please keep looking on our class Dojo page for regular updates and information. On a Tuesday and a Thursday, we add discussion questions for you to talk to your child about. The questions link to your child’s learning in the classroom.
(P.E is still on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Spelling books and Arithmetic books need to be handed in on Mondays each week)
Year 3 Autumn 1 Curriculum Information
In Autumn 1, we will be exploring many exciting new things. We will be reading several new books including ‘The Wild Robot’, ‘The Street Beneath my Feet’, ‘Poems to perform’, ‘Stone Age Boy’ and many more. As you can imagine from these titles these books are all about adventures! We are always trying to include our school values in everything we do. This term we will be working in the classroom on self-belief, honesty, confidence, teamwork and more … We will also be going on a trip!!!! An actual trip to a working farm. We will also be learning a lanuage for the first time, we are learing French!!!!
In the classroom we will be using these books to encourage the children with their story writing and designing and writing a holiday brochure. We will also be talking about where we live in Geography this term . Our Big Question in Geography is: How can we find out our location? In science our Big Questions is: How are rocks formed? We will be learning about different scientists and particularly what geologist do. In History we are finding out about The Stone Age, Iron Age and much more. Our Big Question in History is: How did society change from the Stone age to the Iron Age? This all sounds so exciting!!! Maybe you could visit the public library together to borrow a book on one of these topics?
We love numbers and one of our aims is to continue learning about place value, we will also be reinforcing our knowledge of addition and subtraction this term. Can you ask your child simple questions about any of these titles ? Please use ttrockstars to encourage your child with their timestables. They are set so the children can work on their 3s, 4s, and 10s timestable.
In Art and Design Technology we aim to investigate the artis Paul Klee and Vincent Van Gogh. Our class is called ‘The Marie Curie’ class and we have researched and found information out about her. She was such a significant person in history, ask your child about her. In R.E this term we are learning about ‘What different people beliveve about God’. We will also be talking about our school enviroment and the the care we show each other PSHCE.
We have so much more planned for this half term which we look forward to sharing with you all on class Dojo. Please keep looking on our class Dojo page for regular updates and information. (P.E is still on Wednesday afternoon and Spelling books need to be in on Mondays each week).