Special Educational Needs
The Grove Primary School Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDco) is
Ms Emma French
Contact details : 01664 562554
or email [email protected]
So please have a chat with her at the school door in the mornings or alternatively come to the school office to make an appointment to see her if you would like discuss anything to do with the needs of your child.
Special Educational Needs and Disability at the Grove
The Grove Primary School is a mainstream school. We have a higher than average proportion of children within mainstream with special educational needs. At The Grove Primary School we strive to ensure that all children achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum. We also have our Nurture room – Chameleon which is used by many children who need additional support and intervention. We place the upmost importance on being an inclusive school and ensure all reasonable adjustments are made for children with SEND to enable them to engage in all aspects of our knowledge curriculum.
We have recently added a musical sensory area to our playground for all children to access. This is an inclusive area that supports Social Emotional and Mental health and Wellbeing for our children. Outdoor classroom areas and the development of our forest schools also encourages inclusivity and considers how all of our children learn in different ways. We believe that by giving our children a wide range of learning tools, all children can be included.
For more information on what our SEND offer here at the Grove looks like, please access our Information report below.
For more information please see the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Information Report below, or follow the link to the Policies page to see the SEN Policy.
Please get in touch if you think your child needs any of the following help:
help taking part in class activities
extra encouragement in their learning, eg to ask questions or to try something they find difficult
help communicating with other children
support with physical or personal care difficulties, eg eating, getting around school safely or using the toilet
There is a document provided by the government that might give you some further reading if you are interested or concerned. Please follow this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-guide-for-parents-and-carers