Tuesday 28th April
Good Morning Year 4!
How are you all? I hope you had a good Monday and enjoyed your online learning. I have uploaded some super duper fun Math`s work for you all today!! I'm sure you will enjoy spending the next few days planning your Mathematical board game. I can't wait to see the finished results
Has anyone decorated any pebbles? Mrs.Simon`s has put some super pictures of her pebbles on our Grove school Facebook page. She has included the instructions and a step by step guide. Take a look and begin to plan yours!
My Grace has decorated some lovely pebbles and I have uploaded the pictures for you above! On one she used Sharpie pens and the other water colours. Have a go at creating your own. You can look for pebbles on your daily exercise. Don't forget to wash them before you start decorating.
Please see your online learning below;
Practice your spellings using the read, write check method. Your spellings this week are scissors, ascent, descent, scientist, scenery. Once you have practiced using the read, write and check method I would like you to put your spellings into a sentence and find out the definition. *Challenge*. Can you find the synonym and antonym for each word?
See the exciting new Maths work and create your own board game! I have included a daily plan of what you should be doing to create your game. This will help you each day. I can`t wait to see what you create!
Please see the attached work on the Coronavirus. I would like you to read through the article and then answer the questions. If you are struggling, research on the internet all about the advantages and disadvantages of lock down.
Tuesday's are our music lessons in school. I would like you to choose a musical activity from the list. Have fun!
Decorate your own pebble. Use the designs I have uploaded to help you. Don't forget to upload the pictures to [email protected]
Have a good day!