Tuesday 2nd June
Hello Year 4,
I hope you are well and enjoyed yesterday's lessons. How did you get on? I would love to see your social distancing posters that you made please send them to [email protected]. Today would be our music lessons in school so I would like you to choose one of the activities. I hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather and getting out and about.
Please see your online learning for today.
Miss Banks
Start the day with a Joe Wickes workout or choose one of your own.
Please see attached the reading comprehension on the Coronavirus. Read through the text and answer the questions.
Please go onto www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize.I would then like you to click on your year group- Year 4 and click on today's date Tuesday 2nd June. Your Maths lesson will be ready and uploaded.
Please see the attached musical activities. Choose one and have some musical fun!
Go for a walk. See what you can find. Can your spot any mini beasts? Collect leaves or nice flowers?