Tuesday 5th May
Good morning year 2/3
As yesterday was May the 4th, this is a special Star Wars day, May the 4th be with you! As a some of you in the class like Star Wars (just like me), I'd like to see if you can research any information about Star Wars day, can you find out where it began? Who celebrates it? What do people do on Star Wars day?
Star wars challenge
Can you research information about Star Wars day and find out how it was celebrated this year?
Year 2 - I have attached a Powerpoint for you to have a look at and some questions to have a go at about properties of shapes. As a challenge, do you think you can complete the challenge sheet and solve the word problems?
Year 3 - I have attached a Powerpoint for you to have a look at and some questions to have a go at about dividing by 8. As a challenge, do you think you can complete the challenge sheet and solve the word problems?
Also everyone try to get on TT rockstars as well so you can practice your times tables!
Year 2 - I have attached a link to an online lesson about making inferences from Chapter One of The Firework Maker’s Daughter. I would like you all to follow the lesson and have a go at the activities.
Year 3 - I have attached a link to an online lesson about reading comprehension - word meaning. I would like you all to follow the lesson and have a go at the activities.
Can you make a stone painting of a Star Wars character?
Don't forget to email any work over to [email protected] so we can see how amazing it is!
I hope you all have a great day and remember to stay safe!
Mr G :)