20th March 2020
Morning 'Duckling Class!!!'
Phonics time - sing some of our favourite nursery rhymes with the actions
- Humpty Dumpty
- Twinkle Twinkle
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- Incy Wincy Spider
In phase two phonics we have been learning the letters and sounds to
- h,b,f and ff
In phase three
- sh, ch, th and ng
Practise saying the sounds and writing the letter shapes in the air.
With a grown up think of words beginning or ending with the sounds eg. sing
Make up up sentences together 'I love to sing and dance.' Then segment the word and write the sounds
Try it with different words!
Try playing phonic games on 'Phonics play' a free resource to practise and learn phase two and three sounds.
Username: march20
Password: home
English - we have been learning about 'The Gingerbread Man'
Retell the story together chanting
'Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man.'
Talk about the beginning of the story - what did the little old woman and the little oid man make?
Talk about the middle of the story - when the different characters in the story that try to catch the gingerbread man.
Talk about the end of the story - why does the gingerbread man stop running? Who does he meet? What happens to him?
Perhaps watch the story on 'youtube'
Last week we were measuring height, length and distance.
Today talk about weight - learning and using the words 'heavy, light, heavier than, lighter than and about the same weight'
Use your hands like a balance scale, find two objects that you can hold. Which one feels heavy/light?
Repeat with other objects... Make two groups, one with the heavy objects and one with the lighter ones.
Another free game can be found on 'Top Marks'
Go to 'Measures' then 'Happy Camel' and help the camel to find it's toy!
Have a lovely day and remember to share some stories.