School Logo

Monday 30th March

Hello Year 4.

Wow!! Our first week of home learning has flown by so quickly! I hope you are all well and enjoying your online learning. Well done to those of you that have been on TT Rockstars each day. Please continue to do so smiley 


Did you enjoy the link to Chester Zoo? We loved watching all the animals! Especially the elephants!! 


Remember to email any work you would like to share to the school office. I would love to see what you have been doing. 


Take care,

Miss Banks


Here is your online learning for today;



Please see the attached English work on 'The Explorer'. Read the extract and answer the questions. Remember to answer in full sentences. 



I have uploaded a Powerpoint on fractions for you all to read through. Make notes and then have a go at the classroom secrets questions. Use the star at the bottom of the page to help you know what sheets you normally do.


Afternoon time -Spellings

Please have a go at 5 spellings from your year 4 sheet. Write out the definitions for these five spellings and then find the synonyms. You can also draw pictures to help you learn them. Test your siblings or family members too!  *Challenge* write the antonym for three of the five spellings. 



See if you can log onto one of the daily David Walliams live audio sessions. I know how much you enjoy reading his books. Listen along via YouTube. 


Have a super day,

Missing you all

Miss Banks
