Friday 22nd May
Happy Friday Year 4!
I hope you are well? I'm missing you all lots. Did you participate in the clap for the NHS and key workers last night? I love taking part every Thursday night and hearing that cheer across the streets.
Today, as it is half term next week I thought it would be nice to share with you some fun activities for you to complete. Thank you to all those children who are continuing to send in their work. I'm very proud of you.
Hers is your online learning;
Start the day with a Joe Wickes workout or choose your own daily exercise
I would like you to complete the following crossword. It has some of the Year 4 key words on. Read the clues and crack the crossword!
Please go onto TT Rockstars and soundcheck. Make a note of the times tables you would like to improve. Then have a go at learning these.
I would like you to complete the attached mindfulness colouring riddle. Your challenge is to colour in the page and make sure you NEVER have the same two colours next to each other! It requires thought and time to complete! Send your competed challenge to [email protected]