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Tuesday 21st April 2020 Tasks

Hi year 6!    Here are your learning activities for  today.  Remember to go onto TT Rock Stars and Corbett Maths to develop your arithmetic skills.

A big thank you to all of you who have gone on TT Rocks Stars yesterday. I really do appreciate it and I am very proud of you.  Well done to EGN, TP, LD, CH, MG, DLM, TH, DA and PM.

Please make sure that you take a photo of any work that you have done and email it the school office and they will email it to me.  I cannot wait to hear from you.  I am missing you so much.  Mrs Tyler

[email protected]



Choose a session from the PE folder and carry out a physical activity. If the weather is nice try and get some fresh air and do some physical exercise outside whilst it is still sunny.


Spelling Tuesday 21st 2020

I can put my year 5 and year 6  tricky words into a sentence.

Value: perseverance

Have a go at using the  Look, Cover, Write and Check method of spelling the following words underneath.    Write down the words that you have learnt in a sentence. Remember that you need to be able to spell these words by the end of year 6.

For example:  My sister, who is older than me, is very easy to embarrass.


embarrass,  environment,  equipment,  equipped,  especially



Tuesday 21st  April 2020

I can write a poem based on a poem

Value: perseverance

I would like you to read  activity card 2.  You are going to have a go at writing a poem based on poem called 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright.   You can either read the poem or watch the poem on the you tube clip that I have provided.  In the poem, Kit imagines what may be contained inside a magical box.  We can use this idea to connect to what could be behind the magical door.    Before you begin, brainstorm a list of idea for what might be behind the door.  Let your imagination run wild as there is no wrong answer.  Remember you can use your ideas from yesterday in your poem.  Once you have your list, have a go at writing a poem, using the repeated opener: I opened the magical door and saw.....

Here's an example to help you get going:

I opened the magical door and saw shadows dancing.

I opened the magical door and saw a rainbow leading to another world.

I opened the magical door and saw people crying.

I opened the magical door and saw a magical fairground flooded in lights.



Tuesday 21st   2020

I can develop my inference skills

Value: Optimism

Have a go at answering the comprehension questions based on 'The Second World War Diary of George Bramwell.'  These questions are helping you to develop your inference skills so that you will have to read between the lines.  Make sure that you write your answers in full sentences in your homework/exercise book.  Once you have completed the questions check your answers with the sheet provided.





I can divide numbers using short division and writing the remainders as a fraction

Value: Self-belief

This lesson is all to do with short division.    First  watch the you tube clip to remind you how to divide numbers using the short  method of division and then read the learning reminders cards to show you how to set your work out.   Then decide which sheet you are going to have a  go at answering the questions too.  Either the mild or hot.  Remember to show your working out and answers in books.    Check your answers using the answer sheet which is below.

Remember to use a ruler!  



I would like you today to try and do an activity with another person that you live with. 

Go for a walk with that person and enjoy the sunshine.

Play a game with that person - eg a board game or an outdoor game.

Make something together - you could cook something or make something creative out of the materials that you have at home.

Have a go at building a tower which is taller than you.  Use what you can around the house but be as imaginative as you can. For example you can use lego, rolled up newspaper, cans, 

Whatever you choose to do - make sure that you spend time together with another person and have fun!

If you want to - you could take a picture of you doing that activity and email it in to the office. [email protected]  We would love to see what you decided to do.


I hope you enjoy carrying out these activities today!


Stay Safe.   Missing you lots. Mrs Tyler  

