Physical Education
At the Grove Primary School we believe that PE is a crucial part of the children’s physical development and support with wellbeing and mental health. As a school we follow Get Set 4 PE which offers a varied curriculum, linking key skills and knowledge as they move through each year group. In the EYFS and KS1, children will begin to develop the key skills needed to participate in a variety of sports. These skills are progressed as they reach and move through KS2.
Extra-Curricular sports and events
As well as our PE curriculum offer, we pride ourselves at The Grove in taking part in many sporting events and opportunities that give our children the opportunities to take part in new and exciting sports and activities. This includes our after-school sports club offer. This year so far, we have been able to offer Netball, Football, Gymnastics and Orienteering clubs.
We regularly compete in local sporting events and have so far competing in the year 5/6 Football tournament, year3/4 girls football tournament, Gymnastics festivals and the Sportsability Inclusion festival where our children qualified on to the next round in the Kurling competition.
As a school we take part in competitions that promote healthy living and eating. This year we entered a competition to design a banner for promoting getting to school without using a car. One of our EYFS children won and received a large banner for our playground.