School Logo

Thursday 21st May

Morning Ducklings!

Today is Thursday 21st May.

Hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday!


Mrs Townend and I want to say thank you for your kind messages yesterday, you made our day.

We miss you all so much!


Phonics time

Remember to join in with your phonic sessions.

The slots are: 10.00, 10.30 or 11.00

English time

Phonic skills to practice. 

Phase 2 captions Read some of the captions

All About Earthworms Share and talk about

Rabbits, Squirrels and Mice - find all the things beginning with 'w' like worm. Write the 'w' words in your book.


Talk about the earthworm power point.


Where do they live?

What do they make in the soil?

How do they breathe?

What do they eat?

What do they look like?

Foxes, Owls and Hedgehogs - draw and write about earthworms in your book. Use the questions to help.

Maths time

Today reception and Y1 are learning about finding one more and counting how many.



Rabbits, Squirrels and Mice - in your book draw one more and count how many

Hedgehogs and Squirrels - write the number sentences in your books and jump on one more on the number line. How many?

Foxes and Squirrels - write the number sentences in your books and jump on one more on the number line. How many?

After lunch

It's time for another story!

Things to do during the afternoon

  • letter formation
  • spellings 
  • reading time 
  • try something from the PE/mindful folder/outdoor time     

Have lots of fun!

Love Miss Weston x

