Thursday 2nd April
Morning Ducklings,
Thursday here we go!!!
Phonics time
Sing the alphabet song and some nursery rhymes.
Phase 2: Rabbits, Mice, Squirrels
In phase 2 : l, ll, ss
Read the flashcards, saying the sounds
Phase 2 sounds l, ll, ss
Phase 2 words to read
Phase 3: Foxes, Owl, Hedgehogs
Today we are learning about: igh
Read the flashcards, saying the sounds
Phase 3 Introduce the igh sound
English time
Share 'Supertato' and remember to join in!
- Watch the story and talk about your favourite part.
Write a speech bubble describing the appearance and personality of one or more of the characters.
Draw speech bubbles in your books to write in
Some different superheroes if you want to do more!!!
Maths time
Look at the 3D shape poster again and name the shapes together.
Can you remember any of the 3D shape names?
3D shape poster
Talk about the 3D shapes in the power point
Can you remember some of the 3D shape objects you found around the house/garden.
Today we are going to learn about the properties of the 3D shapes (sides, corners...) and count how many the shape has.
Properties of 3D shapes
Now using the shape pictures or shapes around your house name and talk about the properties. Then look at the sheet and count them. Record findings in your book.
After lunch
Story time!!!
Things to do during the afternoon:
- letter formation (pack and in books)
- reading time (little books) copy some words/sentences in your books
- try something from the topic/PE/mindful folder
You could try this! Make your own superhero using any veg, fruit, card from an empty box!!!
Miss you all!
Have a lovely afternoon and keep smiling
Miss Weston x