Monday 30th March 2020
Hi year 6! Hope you have had a restful and peaceful weekend. Here are your learning activities for the day.
Please make sure that you take a photo of any work that you have done and email it the school office and they will email it to me. I cannot wait to hear from you. I am missing you so much. Mrs Tyler
Choose a session from the PE folder and carry out a physical activity. If the weather is nice try and get some fresh air and do some physical exercise outside whilst it is still sunny.
Monday 30th March 2020
I can put my year tricky words into a sentence.
Value: perseverance
Go onto the website Look, Cover, Write and Check. Then click on the year 5/6 icon then go onto the tricky words 1 icon. Then select go. Have a go at learning the 5/6 common exception words using the game. Write down the words that you have learnt in a sentence.
For example: It was apparent that Mrs Tyler was bored in the lesson because she kept yawning.
Tricky Words 1: apparent, achieve, amateur, accompany and accommodate.
Monday 30th March 2020
I can identify and use capital letters and full stops in my work.
Value: perseverance
I would like you first to read the powerpoint and definition card on capital letters and full stops. Then have a go at answering the Sats style questions on identifying where the capital letters and full stops should go. Write out the sentences in your book. Then use the answer sheet to check your answers.
Monday 30th March 2020
I can develop my inference skills
Value: Optimism
Have a go at answering the questions based on the 'Hunger Games.' These questions are helping you to develop your inference skills so that you will have to read between the lines. Make sure that you write your answers in full sentences in your homework/exercise book. Once you have completed the questions check your answers with the sheet provided.
I can multiply decimal numbers
Value: Self-belief
This lesson is all to do with multiplying decimal numbers. First read the learning reminders. Complete either the mild or hot sheet recording working out and answers in books.
Remember to use a ruler!
I can practise using my drawing and sketching skills
Value: Self-belief
Create a view from your window. Use collage, crayons, paints or any materials that you have lying around your house to create a view from your window. Remember to send your work in.
Missing you all so much
Mrs Tyler
Enjoy today. Make sure that you have breaks in between your work. Keep smiling! It would be great if you could email me some pictures of your homework or any homework that you have completed or even pictures of you completing your work to the office. They will then forward me the work. I would really love to see what you get up to this week.
Missing you all so much
Mrs Tyler