Thursday 23rd April
Morning Ducklings!
So lovely to see TK's work on the school facebook page. Lots of amazing home learning!
Keep sharing your learning, we love to see it.
Phonics time
Phase 2: Rabbits, Mice, Squirrels
This week we are recapping the letters: s,a,t,p
Read the flashcards and say the sounds
Name all the objects beginning with 't' Can you find anything else beginning with 't'
Play 'Eye Spy' finding all the things beginning of 't'
Read the tricky words. Write them in your book.
Phase 3: Foxes, Owl, Hedgehogs
Today we are learning about the long 'oo' sound.
Read the flashcards and say the sounds
All about the long 'oo'
Read the tricky words and write them in your book.
English time
This week we are learning about 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and today we are going to draw and talk about the story.
Rabbits, Squirrels and Mice - draw a picture about the story in your book and talk about.
Copy the words from the story in your book
Foxes, Owls and Hedgehogs - draw and talk about the beginning, the middle and end of the story.
Draw the pictures in your book
Fill in the missing words and copy the sentences into your book.
Maths time
Lets start with counting!
Join in with the counting rhyme.
Rabbits and Mice
Find something around the house/garden to count - toys, pennies, stones, pasta...
Use your number cards to 10 and put them in a pile. Choose one at a time and count out that many objects. Repeat...
Play the game and count how many
Hedgehogs and Owls
Find something around the house/garden to count - toys, pennies, stones, pasta...
Use your number cards to 20 and put them in a pile. Choose one at a time and count out that many objects. Repeat...
Play the game - find the numbers and work out more and less problems.
Foxes and Owls
Play the Helicopter game above - find the numbers and find more and less.
Then play the Shark Number game - learning about 2 the tens and ones in two digit numbers.
Complete the sheet and write the numbers in your book. Talk about how many tens and how many ones are in the number.
After lunch
Story time again!
Share a favourite story and this is story with butterflies in.
Things to do during the afternoon:
- letter formation (pack and write some in book)
- spellings (use the word lists in your pack) Foxes and Owls choose 2 words and make and write a sentence.
- reading time (little books and lotto words)
- try something from the PE/mindful folder/outdoor time
Talk about the different food that the caterpillar eats in the story. Look at the different foods on the sheet and talk about. Are they healthy, unhealthy or both?
Talk about your favourite foods and draw a picture or make a collage.
Have a wonderful afternoon!
Remember to get some fresh air either in the garden or go for a walk.
Keep safe and look after each other,
Love Miss Weston x