Tuesday 23rd June
Good morning year 2/3
I hope you all had a great day yesterday. Did you get up to anything nice? How did you get on with your flowers? It was also great to see MH and PH on TTRockstars yesterday.
I have attached a sheet for you to use where you will be constructing conversations for a comic strip in french. Once you have done this then you can try acting it out with someone at home.
Year 2 - I have attached a reading comprehension about a monster surprise for you to have a go at. If you are fancying more of a challenge then try the 3 star one.
Year 3 - I have attached a reading comprehension about sharks for you to have a go at. If you are fancying more of a challenge then try the 3 star one.
Year 2 - I have attached a link to a lesson where you will be learning about sorting 2D and 3D shapes. I would like you to follow the lesson.
Year 3 - I have attached a link to a lesson on dividing a 2 digit number by a one digit number. I would like you to follow the lesson.
Also everyone try to get on TT rockstars as well so you can practice your times tables!
I have attached a science home learning grid where you will become a scientist and either conduct your own research or experiment. I would like you to complete a different task to last week on your grid and tick it off. We will be completing more of these over the coming weeks!
It would be great to see how you get on so don't forget to send your work through to [email protected].
Have a great day.
Mr G :)