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Thursday 9th July

Good morning year 2/3

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. How did you get on with the music tasks yesterday and which one did you do? It's Thursday today and I can't believe it is our last day of online learning! The time has passed so quickly, I was very fortunate to be able to speak to some of you recently and it was lovely to hear how you are all doing. It would be brilliant if you could keep logging onto TTrockstars over the break and doing some reading while you rest up. Hopefully the weather will begin to get better again and we can get outside and enjoy some sun. 



I would like you all to start the day off with a Joe Wickes workout to get your bodies and brains working, go for a walk, or you can create your own workout.



Year 2 - I have attached some tasks with the start of a story about a magic door! I would like you to use the story starter and have a go at writing your own story. Can you use adjectives to describe in your story? As a challenge can you try answering the questions as well?

Year 3 - I have attached some tasks with the start of a story about a magic door! I would like you to complete a minimum of 1 task, you can do which ever task you like, but you can do as many of them as you like. As a challenge, can you use the story starter and write your own story? In your story can you include any fronted adverbials or expanded noun phrases?



Year 2 - I have attached a Powerpoint for you to have a look at and some questions to have a go at about counting vertices on 3D shapes. As a challenge, do you think you can complete the challenge sheet and solve the problems?

Year 3 - I have attached a link to a lesson on equivalent fractions where you will be finding missing numerators and denominators. I would like you to follow the lesson.

Also everyone try to get on TT rockstars as well so you can practice your times tables!



In today’s lesson, we will be looking at some of the heroes in the NHS who have worked tirelessly to protect us. So many doctors and nurses have come out of retirement to help – we need a new generation to support our wonderful NHS. As Deputy Prime Minister, you must convince children across the country to use school to develop the skills needed to succeed in working for the NHS.


It would be great to see how you get on so don't forget to send your work through to [email protected].


Have a great day.

Mr G :)

