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Friday 1st May



I hope everyone is staying well and safe. Did you enjoy the NHS clap for carers and key workers? I think it`s amazing how we all come together in such difficult times and can show how strong we all are! smiley It was nice to see the children who joined in and listened to me read today. Thank you! Don't forget to join us on the Grove school Facebook Page tomorrow morning 11.30am.


Chester Zoo are doing another live web cam tomorrow during the day. Have a look at the timetable and join live to see the animals and hear the interesting animal talks. 


How did you get on with the Science experiments? I would love to see what you created. Send them to the school office [email protected]


I have uploaded two different reading comprehensions today for you to choose from. You will be pleased to know there is a FOOTBALL one!!! Yes!!! It is on Lionel Messi and Barcelona!! There is another one on Iron Man should you prefer. Enjoy!!


Miss you all!!

#Stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives. 


Reading Challenge

Read 5 pages of your reading book. Once you have done this I would like you to draw a spider diagram and write down the events that happened during the 5 pages that you have read. Can you describe a character who appears in the 5 pages?



Choose from one of the above reading comprehensions. There is a reading comprehension on Iron Man with questions and then a FOOTBALL reading comprehension. If you pick the football reading comprehension please read the fact file first to help you. Take your pick!



Please go onto TT rockstars for 10 minutes and soundcheck. Well done to those children who are. Once you have done this please continue with your daily lesson plan of creating a Mathematical board game.


Fun riddle

How many words can you make out of the word CORONAVIRUS?


