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Monday 4th May

Good Morning Year 4,


I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for this weeks online learning. 


Today is a special day as May 4th is known as Star Wars Day; 'May the force be with you' !!!

 I know a few of you in class are big Star Wars fans and I thought it would be nice if you kick started the week  finding out some information about Star Wars Day. Can you find out when this idea first began? Is it celebrated all over the world? Maybe you could even draw a picture. Send your work to [email protected]

 Thank you to those children who sent in some amazing work. RA, FLM, AW it was fantastic to see what you have been doing and you have tried so hard. Well done and keep it up.


Please see your online learning for today;


Star Wars Day Activity

Research May 4th and find out the information above. Can you find out when this day first began? Is it celebrated all over the world? I would love you to draw a picture that represents Star Wars Day.



I can begin to understand powerful verbs

I would like you to watch the power point activity on powerful verbs. Make notes and carefully read through. Once you have done this I would like you to answer the grammar questions. Again this is differentiated so you can choose 1* or 2*.

1* would be the first 5 questions. 2* all of the questions. 



I can produce a Mathematical board game

Please can you go onto TT Rockstars for at least ten minutes and soundcheck. After this, I would like you to carry on with the daily structured planning for your Mathematical board game. 



I can create a picture or object that represents Star Wars Day

I would like you to draw, paint, chalk a picture that represents Star Wars Day. You can even use different creative materials. Maybe you could make a character out of recycled materials! Use your imagination and send your work to [email protected].


Have a good day!


