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Monday 4th May

Morning Ducklings!

Hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Are you ready for more home learning?

It was great to see all the pictures on the Facebook page last week, lots of amazing, creative learning!

Keep sending pictures in.


Phonics time

Remember to join in with your phonic sessions.

The slots are: 10.00, 10.30 or 11.00

Let us know how you are getting on smiley


Phase 2 sound flashcards

Phase 3 sound flashcards

English time

Phonic skills to practice. 

Rabbits, Squirrels and Mice - cvc word building

Owls and Hedgehogs - cvc word building and sentences

Foxes and Owls - phase 3 sentences to read and write ai, ee, igh and oa

This week we are learning about 'Jack and the Beanstalk.'

Share the power point and join in with the giant saying 'Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum, watch out here I come!'


The story of Jack and the Beanstalk

Who are the characters in the story?

What did the man give Jack for his cow?

What did Jack do with the beans?

What did the beans grow into?


Rabbits, Squirrels and Mice - say and write the names of the characters

Say the names of the characters - Jack, mum and man

Write them, try stretching the sounds  J- a -ck  Jack     m-u-m  mum    m-a-n  man


Foxes, Owls and Hedgehogs - say and write the names of the characters

Say the names of the characters - Jack, mum, man, cow, hen, harp

Write about them

 eg This is Jack 

Jack and the Beanstalk word mat

Maths time

This week reception are going to explore patterns and Y1's are continuing to learn about repeated addition and the beginnings of multiplication.

Rabbits, Squirrels and Mice - continue the repeating patterns

Owls and Hedgehogs - continue the repeating patterns

Foxes (and Owls) - adding equal groups

Foxes (and Owls) - add the equal groups. Write the number sentences in your books

After lunch

Time to for a story!

Things to do during the afternoon:

  • letter formation
  • spellings 
  • reading time (little books and lotto words)
  • try something from the PE/mindful folder/outdoor time                                                                                                            If you go out in the garden or for a walk look out for plants!                                                                

With the help of a grown up can you find some things around the house or garden that sink and float.

Fill a bowl/bucket with a little water and find out.

Eg. spoon, leaf, coin...


Remember to send in pictures of your learning!


Have a lovely afternoon,

Miss Weston smiley

