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Thursday 30th April 2020

Hi year 6  Mrs Tyler here again!   Hope you had a good day yesterday and you managed to complete lots of  your home learning tasks.    Here are your learning tasks  for  today.  Remember to go onto TT Rock Stars and Corbett Maths to develop your arithmetic skills.

A big thank you to all of you who have gone on TT Rocks Stars yesterday. I really do appreciate it and I am very proud of you.  Well done to  LD, CP, BC and DA   Keep going!   Your Secondary school teachers are really impressed with you as am I. 

Well done also to DA for your amazing poem.  I would love it if you can send some more poems to me.  

Please make sure that you take a photo of any work that you have done and email it the school office and they will email it to me.  I cannot wait to hear from you.  I am missing you so much.  Mrs Tyler

[email protected]



Choose a session from the PE folder and carry out a physical activity. If the weather is nice try and get some fresh air and do some physical exercise outside whilst it is still sunny.  Why not go for a walk?  Go for a bike ride?   Enjoy that sunshine and get active.  


Spelling Thursday  30th  2020

I can put my year 5 and year 6  tricky words into a sentence.

Value: perseverance

Have a go at using the  Look, Cover, Write and Check method  to learn how the spell the words which are underneath.  .    Write down the words that you have learnt in a sentence. Remember that you need to be able to spell these words by the end of year 6.

For example:  Despite being extremely good, the children were unable to persuade their mum to buy them a treat.


parliament      persuade    physical   prejudice   privilege



Reading revision

Thursday 30th  April 2020

I would like you to have a go at reading the text  'Five Palms Hotel'.  Then answering the questions.  Once you have completed the answers check them with the answer sheet.



Thursday 30th  April 2020

I would like you to read the extract in the Writing folder.  It is an extract from The Snow-Walker's Son by Catherine Fisher.  You can also listen to the extract here:  The author uses  the pattern of three actions in a sentence to advance the action and inject a sense of pace into her writing.  This helps to balance description, action and dialogue. I would like you to come up with three of your own sentences using this skill.  For example:

Original sentence from the text:

He stepped well back, handed the stranger the lantern, and jerked his head.

My sentence could be

He shuffled back, passed the stranger the lantern, and turned his head.


See the activity sheet in the English folder to see the sentences that you could innovate from.




I can identify nets of 3D shapes

Value: Self-belief

Yesterday, you were learning about the nets of different 3-D shapes.. Today, I want you to continue to build on your knowledge about nets.  To remind yourself about the nets of 3-D shapes click on the you tube link and watch the video.  Then choose which activity sheet you want to complete.  Developing, expected or if you fancy a challenge greater depth.  Then check your work with the answer sheet provided. If you cannot print the sheets off - just write your answers in the exercise book that was given to you or  on a piece of paper.



Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be learning about animals including Humans. Today I would like you to learn about the skeleton.  First, watch the you tube clip all about the skeleton and the name of the different bones.  Then either use the worksheet provided and the labels to label the skeleton correctly or draw your own skeleton and label the bones.  

Once you have done this - try and complete the interactive activity on the skeleton.


If you want to - you could take a picture of what  you have been doing and email it in to the office. [email protected]  We would love to see what 'home learning' you are doing.


I hope you enjoy carrying out these activities today!


Stay Safe.   Missing you lots. Mrs Tyler  
